Housing Services and Residence Life welcome the application of student envisioned groups for our theme communities for the 25-26 academic year. All interested groups must submit an application. Below is the information which your group should prepare in order to complete the new group application. Each group must complete an application (1/group) no later than Friday February 28, 2025. The application must be completed by a student who will be living in the theme community next year should the group application be approved.
Demographic information
- Name of theme community
- Applicant name
- Applicant Lehigh email address
- Is the applicant going to be the Community Coordinator for this theme for the upcoming year?
- If not, please provide the name and Lehigh email address for the Community Coordinator
Theme information
- Please describe your theme. In this description include the mission and vision of your theme community.
- What goals do you want to accomplish next year as a theme?
- Explain how residents would benefit from living in this theme community next year.
- What value will this theme community add to Lehigh's overall residential community?
- Please provide a list of program ideas you would like to develop during the upcoming year.
- Is there a faculty or staff person you have identified to work with your theme as an advisor next year?
- Is this theme associated with a recognized student group on-campus?
Student information
- How many students are interested in living in this theme community next year? Please note theme communities will be required to have at least ten students in order to receive consideration for approval.
- Please share the names and Lehigh email addresses of students who are interested in living in this theme next year.
Location information
- Which buildings would be a good placement for this theme?
- Why is this particular space conducive to the community's success
Additional Information
- Is there anything else you would like us to know when considering your theme community application for next year?