Configuration House 097

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Room Types

Please Note:

Housing available for Theme Communities will be set based upon community placement, gender and roommate groups.  Below you can find the initial configurations based on community placement. Configurations will be updated the week of March 4, 2024 once contracts close and final numbers for each community are determined. Configurations are subject to change up until 24 hours prior to selection. Students will be notified when final configurations are posted.

Single Rooms
Hall Floor Room Room Usage Room Type Room Gender
097 House 097 0 9 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall M
097 House 097 1 101 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall F
097 House 097 1 106 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall F
097 House 097 2 201 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall M
097 House 097 2 202 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall M
097 House 097 2 206 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall M
097 House 097 2 207 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall M
097 House 097 2 210 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall M
097 House 097 2 211 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall M
097 House 097 2 216 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall M
097 House 097 2 217 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Single Fall M


Double Rooms
Hall Floor Room Room Usage Room Type Room Gender
097 House 097 0 12 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall M
097 House 097 1 103 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall F
097 House 097 1 104 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall F
097 House 097 1 105 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall F
097 House 097 2 203 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall M
097 House 097 2 204 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall M
097 House 097 2 205 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall M
097 House 097 2 212 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall M
097 House 097 2 214 Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall M
097 House 097 2 203A Outdoor Enthusiasts 097_Double Fall M