If the individual needing to be reimbursed does not have a domestic personal banking account, Lehigh University suggests opening a domestic personal banking account. If that is not possible, then please work with the funding source coordinator and Accounts Payable.
If the individual has a domestic personal banking account, that Student, Adjunct or visiting employee is eligible for a declining balance credit card or reimbursement through the OneCard system, once the following has been successfully completed:
Processes and Reminders
- The student, adjunct or visiting employee will receive two secure emails directly from Wells Fargo.
- One email will contain the company ID and user name, the other email will contain the temporary password.
- The student, adjunct or visiting employee needs to use that information to log into the system, change their temporary password and enter their personal bank information (routing number and account number).
- The next day after receiving their two secure emails from Wells Fargo, the student, adjunct or visiting employee can go into the system and enter their transaction(s) for reimbursement.
- The student, adjunct or visiting employee will enter the date, the category, the amount, the description, etc.
- Forms will need to be completed per funding source including grant funding through ORSP
- When filling out the request form, it is suggested that the primary approver be the person responsible for the index number (department or grant) - they must be financial manager or authorized signer on that index number.
- The student, adjunct or visiting employee will enter their transactions into the WellsOne system
- Ensure the descriptions are accurate and correct
- Upload their receipts
- Click complete button to send the transaction to your advisor or professor.
- The student, adjunct or visiting employee will then get reimbursement via direct deposit into their personal bank account they entered into the system a few days after the cycle completes as long as their transactions are approved by the approver by Tuesday. If the approval does not happen that week, the transaction(s) will roll to the following week.
Approver Responsibilities
- Signing Student Request Form via DocuSign
- Signing Student User Agreement via DocuSign
- Approving statements no later than Tuesday - can approve once the student has clicked their completed button for a transaction.
The request form and user agreement will need to be completed only once per student. If they have multiple reimbursements throughout the year, they will log in with the same credentials they established in the beginning and enter their transactions for reimbursement.
Complete when changes are needed to an account
2021 Forms
The Mileage Log and OOP (Out of Pocket) Expense Summary Form can be used and included as part of the receipts in the OneCard system.