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Faculty And Staff Forms -
Request and Maintenance

To request a OneCard or reimbursement account for faculty and staff, a Lehigh University DocuSign OneCard/CCER System Request Form must be completed - the DocuSign form will automatically be submitted to Purchasing Services.  Once Purchasing Services processes the request, it takes approximately 5-8 business days to receive and complete the backend setup of the card.

When any changes are needed on the OneCard or reimbursement account, the Lehigh University DocuSign OneCard/CCER System Maintenance Form must be completed - the DocuSign form will automatically be submitted to Purchasing Services.  Due to the volume of requests made, notification is not provided regarding receipt of form and process completion.

Student, Adjunct or Visiting Employee Forms - Request and Maintenance

In order for a Student, Adjunct or Visiting Employee to be eligible for a declining balance credit card or reimbursement through the OneCard system, please complete the Request Form and User Agreement.

In order for a Student, Adjunct or Visiting Employee to make changes to their account including closing the online account, please complete the Student Maintenance Form.

Cash Expense Reimbursements and Mileage Reimbursements

All Cash Expense Reimbursements including Mileage must be completed in the Wells Fargo WellsOne system

The WellsOne system requires receipts for $75 or greater.  This includes mileage.  You can use software like Google Maps or Mapquest, putting in your starting and ending points, and pdf the results to use for your receipt.

If wishing to include multiple trips in one transaction or you are claiming per diem and must provide a receipt in the WellsOne system, please document trips in an Excel spreadsheet, pdf and attach for your receipt.  

Step by step instructions will guide you through the process


Student International Internship