Family Weekend 2024 - Parking Info
FREE Parking will be available at the following locations from Friday, 9/20, at 4:00 PM until Sunday, 9/22/2024, at 11:59 PM at no charge:
- Alumni parking garage
- Farrington Square parking garage
- Brodhead & Summit parking lot
- Brodhead & Morton parking lot
- 622 Brodhead Avenue parking lot
- Lower Cents parking lot
There are events scheduled at the Zoellner Arts Center on Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, the Zoellner garage will NOT be available.
See map for locations and Happy Family Weekend to all who are visiting! If those locations are full or you need to park outside of the free hours, visit:

Family Weekend 2024 - Transportation Info
Football Shuttle: Saturday, 9:00 AM until 30 minutes after the game ends. Pick up is at the Dialogue Center and the drop off area on Goodman Drive, 100 yards west of the circle.
ADA Shuttle: Saturday, 10:30 AM until 30 minutes after the game ends. Pick up is from the parking lots on Goodman Campus to the stadium (See map below!).
Packer Express & Campus Connector will be operating from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Saturday & Sunday.