As communicated to campus on March 9, 2023, Transportation and Parking Services has partnered with FHI Studio to analyze our services, resources, and assist us in better meeting the needs of our Lehigh community.
Parking The approach to answering Lehigh’s most pressing parking questions has involved a close look at parking availability, flexibility, zones, pricing, policies, and demand throughout the campus system. Solutions being considered are in line with the university’s goals, recent and ongoing campus master planning and strategic planning efforts, the availability and convenience of alternatives to driving (e.g., transit, biking, walking), as well as input from stakeholders including faculty, staff, students, and university vendors.
Transit A detailed assessment of Lehigh’s bus and multi-modal transportation has built upon customer-focused improvements made in recent years. Transit has been examined as a mobility resource and an essential component in the continued evolution of parking supply. The ideas being considered will be near-term improvements that provide an actionable path toward continued transit expansion and frequency to serve all of Lehigh’s campuses.
To date, FHI Studio has completed the following:
- Conducted a parking capacity analysis for all Lehigh-owned lots and garages.
- Evaluated all current bus routes, frequency, ridership, and user needs.
- Hosted tabling feedback sessions at the Mail Center, Iacocca Hall, Rathbone Dining Hall, and the Whitaker bus stop. The tabling sessions engaged over 150 campus stakeholders (primarily students).
- Developed preliminary strategies to address near-term needs.
- Conducted focus groups with various faculty, staff, and student organizations to test and refine strategies.
What’s Next:
- Short surveys to campus for feedback on solutions being explored
- Matrix of proposed strategies and recommendations
- Summary presentations
- Selection of preferred actions
- Implementation plan and schedule
Sharon Field Director of Transportation and Parking Services
Mark Ironside AVP for Business Services
Tabling session held at the Iacocca Hall bus stop on April 17th