Parking System

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Development plans, and population growth, coupled with the implementation of the car-free zone, are expected to impact parking capacity. Effective and properly utilized parking will support the needs of the campus more sustainably. Lehigh will implement a parking strategy to accommodate demand sustainably.


  • Increase parking efficiency by taking advantage of currently under-utilized parking areas.
  • Upgrade our parking facilities to comply with ADA guidelines supported by a transit service.
  • Limit vehicular access and parking throughout the core campus and establish the car-free zone.
  • Remove parking while limiting access of cars and service trucks throughout the primary pedestrian campus routes.
  • Maximize the efficiency of existing parking supply and reducing the reliance on the personal vehicle by assigning every parking permit issued to only one (1) specific location (location-based parking).
  • Continually assess parking demand on the Asa Packer Campus and encourage use of commuter parking areas to reduce demand.
  • Partner with the City of Bethlehem and lease parking from the City as required by demand to provide parking inventory within walkable distance to Asa Packer Campus.
  • Offer designated parking zones to faculty and staff.
  • Reduce the number of students with vehicles through effective transportation alternatives.