Connections News

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Connections News

In the spring of 2023, Transportation & Parking Services announced an assessment, in partnership with FHI Studios, to evaluate our transportation and parking operations, policies, and procedures.
As communicated to campus on March 9, 2023, Transportation and Parking Services has partnered with FHI Studio to analyze our services, resources, and assist us in better meeting the needs of our Lehigh community.
Throughout the fall, as part of the university’s strategic planning process, we heard the challenges students, faculty, and staff have voiced with regard to transit and parking on Lehigh’s campuses. We listened to this feedback and collected additional input through focus groups and surveys.


News Archives

Faculty & Staff Parking Permits Mailed - June 14, 2019

Founders Way Commuter Lot Bus Route - June 10, 2019

Information on Commuter Lots - April 5, 2019

Faculty and Staff Permit Registration Announcement - April 3, 2019

Bicycle Survey: Transportation Services hopes to better gauge education, enforcement, bike infrastructure and incentives to encourage safe and convenient biking to/from and around campus. Please consider taking this survey to help us prioritize biking improvements.  The results will help shape our recommendations to make the campus more friendly for bike riders. Please be assured that all responses will be completely confidential. The questionnaire will take 5 minutes to complete - March 28, 2019

Transit System Route Map and Schedule - March 28, 2019

Lehigh's Connections Transit System Update - March 27, 2019

Faculty and Staff Parking Update March 21, 2019

Information Session - Parking Permit Zones - November 9, 2018

Parking and Transportation Information Sessions - November 2, 2018

Parking and Transportation Regulations - Additional FAQ's - October 2018

Lunch & Learn Session - New Daily Visitor Pass Program and Event Planning - October 31, 2018

Gateways Update - South New Street Public Open House - October 26, 2018

Lunch & Learn Session - Transit System Enhancements and LANTA Partnership - October 3, 2018

Connections Program Update, FAQs, and Information Sessions - October 1, 2018

Facilities Services & Campus Planning and Transportation and Parking Services will be hosting 4 informational "lunch and learn" sessions during the fall semester for faculty and staff who want to learn more about the Connections plan or various programs.  Please click here to register: - September 27, 2018

Car Free Day - September 20, 2018

Parking and Transportation Update - September 10, 2018

Faculty and Staff Announcement - September 10, 2018

Learn more about Connections Framework.

Check out the new Campus Connector and Packer Express routes to be deployed in 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions (& Answers)